What accounting software is compatible with Retail Pro's Accounting link?
Below is a listing of all "Compatible" Accounting Link packages that are currently compatible with the Retail Pro Accounting Link v3.2. There may be some limitations with certain packages. When this is the case, it will be noted as to what the limitation is.
Quickbooks Pro 2000 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
Quickbooks Pro 2001 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
Quickbooks Pro 2002 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
Quickbooks Pro 2003 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
Quickbooks Pro 2004 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
Quickbooks Pro 2007 - *Note - No customer balance exchange
BW v12.04
BW v12.81
BW v12.9
BW v12.92
BW Gold v2.4
BW Gold v3.0
BW Gold v4.0
BW Gold v4.1
BW Gold v5.0
BW Gold v6.0
BW Gold v7.0
MAS 90
MAS 90 v3.40
MAS 90 v3.41
MAS 90 v3.51
MAS 90 v3.60
MAS 90 v3.71
MAS 90 v4.0
MAS 90 v4.05
MAS 90 4.10