Changing documents labels in Document Designer or in Reports does not affect field/header names that show on the screen in Retail Pro areas.
1. Go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES > SYSTEM > Use user-defined labels in RPRO: Select to allow the use of custom labels.
2. Go to Options > Program Labels (Shift+F12).
3. Adjust the screen to see all the columns by using Zoom button on the side.
4. Left click on Label column header to sort the labels by name.
5. Find labels you want to edit (for example, “Desc 1”).
6. For each entry of “Desc 1” (as an example) enter new label in custom label column (for example, “Style #”)
7. Once done, click Save to exit Program Labels.
You still can see the original labels by resting the mouse pointer on that field.
Note: Program Labels and Security Administrator If you have registered Retail Pro with Security Administrator, you can control user access to the following actions in the program labels module on a user or group basis:
System > Edit Program Labels
Reference: One Step Retail Solutions Knowledge Base